滕国良 Guoliang TENG,MD




Department: Pediatrics


Languages: Mandarin and English

滕国良,主任医师,现任嘉会医疗儿科主任。滕医生 1983 年毕业于上海交通大学医学院(原上海第二医科大学),获儿科学学士学位。毕业后,他曾任职于上海市儿童医院内科,任急救中心主任,特诊部主任和总内科副主任。2000 年 7 月受儿童医院委派到新加坡 KK 妇女儿童医院进修 ICU 专业 3 个月。加入嘉会前,滕医生曾任职于一家高端幼儿医疗机构,任集团儿科总监。滕医生从事儿科临床、教学、科研工作 30 余年,擅长的诊治方向有且不限于小儿急救和呼吸内科。


他曾先后在各儿科专业杂志上发表了数十篇文章和论文; 参与新生儿早产儿诊断手册(上海科学普及出版社);儿科学进展(长春出版社);现代儿科治疗学(人民军医出版社)等书藉的急救篇章编写工作。

Dr. Guoliang TENG serves as the Chief of Pediatrics at Jiahui Health. Dr. Teng obtained his bachelor’s degree in pediatrics from Shanghai Second Medical University (now known as Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine) in 1983. After graduation, Dr. Teng worked as the Emergency Center Director, VIP Clinic Director and Deputy Director of Medical Department at the Shanghai Children’s Hospital. In July 2000, he went for a 3-month ICU training at KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) in Singapore. Prior to joining Jiahui Health, Dr. Teng served as the Group Medical Director of Pediatrics at a high-end medical institution. With more than 30 years of experience in pediatrics, Dr. Teng specializes in areas including Pediatric Emergency and Respiratory Medicine.

Dr. Teng was an editorial board member of Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Chinese Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Shanghai Students Health Handbook. He is also a committee member of the Health Management Branch Association of Shanghai Medical Association and the Pediatric Professional Committee of Chinese Non-Government Medical Institutions Association (CNMIA).

Dr. Teng has published dozens of articles and papers in leading pediatric journals and participated in writing and editing emergency-related chapters of various books such as the Diagnostic Manual for Newborns and Premature Infants (Shanghai Popular Science Press), Advances of Pediatrics (Changchun Press) and Therapeutics of Modern Pediatrics (People’s Military Medical Press). 

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