
作者:丁香园    2021-07-27

广州泰和肿瘤医院(GCCC)坐落于广州市黄埔区中新广州知识城,是一家按照国内三级肿瘤专科医院标准、以及国际顶尖现代医疗机构标准来建设的癌症中心。医院致力于打造医疗技术高地和医学人文高地,以国际诊疗标准为肿瘤患者提供包括质子放射治疗在内的多学科诊疗服务。医院建成之后将有  400  余张病床,医护人员  800  余人,建设目标是在广州创立一个具备临床诊疗、癌症预防、医学研究、专科培训、远程会诊的 「五位一体」 的国际化癌症中心,造福广大肿瘤患者。

GCCC 于 2010 年获批入围《广东省现代产业 500 强项目》, 设置肿瘤内科、肿瘤外科、放疗中心(含质子治疗系统等)等临床科室。 2021 年 5 月获得医疗执业许可证并全面投入运营;总投资超过 30 亿元人民币。



作为粤港澳大湾区首家提供质子治疗的医疗机构,统筹管理 Varian(瓦里安)ProBeam、IBA Proteus+ 两大质子治疗系统,拥有 9 间质子治疗室, 15 台光子治疗设备;


作为华南区首个国际肿瘤专科医院与国外实时对接,广州泰和引进了全数字化远程病理会诊平台,整合美国 Mayo Clinic、MD 安德森癌症中心、中大系统的各大医院等多支国内外医疗专家团队力量,为患者提供国际水平的精准诊断服务;




通过地处中新知识城的独特优势,深化与澳门镜湖医院、新加坡泰和、AAPM 美国物理师协会的合作,形成大湾区与亚太区内的肿瘤专科联盟,为老百姓引进全球先进的医疗器械、耗材和药品等。


为推动医学进步与医学教育、扶助贫困患者就医、创建医学人文高地,广州泰和肿瘤医院汇聚社会各界的智慧与善意,筹措善款,成立正心基金会,将开展以下类型的慈善活动: 资助儿童肿瘤患者就医; 资助各类贫困肿瘤患者就医; 为各类家境贫寒的医学专业学生提供奖助学金; 开展公益性医疗服务与宣传; 资助医护人员参加医学教育与技能培训; 推动医学研究。

Guangzhou Concord Cancer Center (GCCC) is located in China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (「CSGKC」). GCCC is built in strict compliance with standards of both domestic tertiary cancer specialized hospital and internationally advanced medical institution. It is committed to building a highland of medical technology and culture, providing MDT service with international diagnosis and treatment standard, e.g. proton radiotherapy. After operation, GCCC will have over 400 beds and more than 800 medical staff in service. It aims to build an international cancer center specializing in cancer diagnosis and treatment, prevention, research, training and telemedicine in Guangzhou to benefit all cancer patients.

In 2010, GCCC, with medical oncology, surgical oncology, radiotherapy (including proton radiotherapy) and other clinical services, was shortlisted in the "Top 500 Modern Industry Projects of Guangdong Province". In May 2021, GCCC obtained the medical license and started operation with an investment of over RMB 3 billion.

As a mixed ownership hospital with support from the central government, GCCC is distinguished by the following:

【The largest particle proton therapy center in the world】GCCC will be the first medical institution in the Greater Bay Area to provide proton therapy and operate proton therapy systems of Varian ProBeam and IBA Proteus+. GCCC has a total of 9 proton therapy rooms and 15 photon therapy machines.

【International center for accurate pathologic diagnosis】As the first international cancer hospital in southern China, GCCC has installed digital pathologic diagnosis platform, providing remote pathologic consultation and integrate domestic and international experts from Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson and Sun Yat-sen hospitals etc., in order to provide accurate diagnosis services with international standard.

【Guangzhou Concord Medical Science and Technology Innovation Center】GCCC is establishing the Song Erwei Academician Workstation and strives to build National Key Laboratory. With the goal of clinical research translation, as well as development and upgrade of medical services and the whole industrial chain, GCCC is developing a "dual cycle" of medical technology to integrate Medical Treatment-Teaching-Research and Medical Production-Learning-Research.

【Cooperation with international medical alliance】Taking advantage of its special location in the CSGKC, GCCC has developed deep cooperation with Kiang Wu Hospital of Macau, Singapore Concord and AAPM to set up a cancer medical alliance in the Greater Bay Area and the Asia-Pacific region. Its objective is to introduce the world’s most advanced medical equipment and medicine to people in the region.

【Bon Heart Foundation】Bon Heart Foundation was founded by GCCC to attract goodwill and generosity of the community to promote medical development, education, and provide support for patients in need, as well as to build up a highland for medical culture. Its charity activities include subsidizing children cancer patients and patients from poor families, providing scholarship for medical students from poor families, promoting charity medical services, providing education and trainings for medical staff, as well as promoting medical research.

编辑: dxy_eacjf9u9    来源:广州泰和肿瘤医院

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  • 李    扬

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